The Shareholder Structure of POZBUD S.A.
Share of the total number of votes

shareholdernumber of sharesproportion
of shares in the
share capital
number of votesproportion of votes
in the total
number of votes
Łukasz Fojt11 905 11326,55%11 905 11324,43%
Andrzej Raubo11 326 62325,26%15 220 62331,23%
NN OFE + NN DFE7 425 33016,56%7 425 33015,24%
Other14 179 70331,63%14 179 70329,10%
TOTAL44 836 769100,00%48 730 769100,00%

The capital structure of POZBUD S.A.

The share capital of the Company amounts to PLN 44,836,769.00 (PLN forty-four million, eight hundred and thirty-six thousand, seven hundred and sixty-nine) and is divided into 44,836,769 (forty-four million, eight hundred and thirty-six thousand, seven hundred and sixty-nine) shares.

series of
to trading
% share
of votes
% share
of votes
A7 788 0003 894 000015,98%8,68%
B3 408 5003 408 5003 408 5006,99%7,60%
C5 500 0005 500 0005 500 00011,29%12,27%
D5 575 3455 575 3455 575 34511,44%12,43%
E5 000 0005 000 0005 000 00010,26%11,15%
F1 948 3841 948 3841 948 3844,00%4,35%
G1 447 9501 447 9501 447 9502,97%3,23%
H18 062 59018 062 590037,07%40,29%
TOTAL48 730 76948 730 76922 880 179100,00%100,00%